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All Pictures by Roddie Macpherson.

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Alex. & Margaret Maclennan, Duncan+Jessie Maclean.
In loving memory/of/ALEX. MACLENNAN/shoemaker/Tore Cottage/died 11th Marc...

Isabella & Colin McIntosh & Colin Chisholm.
Erected by/FINLAY McINTOSH/in memory of his daug/hter ISABELLA HELEN who/...

Thomas & Janet (Scotland) Fraser & family.
In memory/of/THOMAS FRASER/for fifty two years/head gardener at Redcastle...

A. Williamson.
** Erected/by/JOHN WILLIAMSON/in memory of his/son A. WILLIAMSON/aged 11 ...

John & Ann (Macintyre) Maclean, Angus.
In loving memory of/our father/JOHN MACLEAN/at Bellevue, 5th May 1899/age...

Donald & Lucy (Lawson) Macdonald.
DONALD MACDONALD/who died at Croftnacreich/on the 6th day of October 1878...

William & Jane (Mackenzie) Murray.
In/affectionate remembrance/of/WILLIAM MURRAY, Esq. JP/who died at Kilcoy...

Hugh & Margaret (Matheson) Maclennan.
In/loving memory of/our dear parents/HUGH MACLENNAN/of Newton Ferntosh/di...

Isabella (McGregor) Simpson.
Erected/by/JOHN SIMPSON/Muckernich/in memory of his beloved wife/ISABELLA...

Elizabeth (McHattie) Murdo Mckay, Alex. & Lizzie.

Erected by the family/in loving memory of their mother/ELIZABETH McHAT...

Helen (Fraser) & George Mackay.
In memory of/HELEN FRASER/who died at Conon Mains/25th October 1941, aged...

Duncan & Jessie (Fraser) McLennan, Helen Henderson
In/loving memory/of/DUNCAN McLENNAN/who died at Balgunearnie/21st Nov. 18...

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