Ross & Cromarty Roots
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All pictures from 2011
Jane (Smith) & John Gunn, d. Catherine.
Erected/in/loving memory of/JANE SMITH/wife of/JOHN GUNN, farmer/Wester B...

Euphemia Keith Macdermid.
To the mmeory/of/EUPHEMIA KEITH MACDERMID/who departed this life/22 June ...

William Pott[er]
Sacred/to the memory [of]/WILLIAM POTT[ER}/shi[pm]master Limekilns/who {?...


James Sutherland.
Erected/in memory of/JAMES SUTHERLAND/mason Wick/who died at/Kinairdy/on ...

Colin & Margaret McKenzie.
Sacred to the memory/of/COLIN McKENZIE/late of Contin/who died 9th July/1...

David Murray. ss. Ronald & Alexander.
In loving memory/of/Col. Sgt. DAVID MURRAY/P.S. 3rd Sea. High./who died a...

Donald & Barbara (Macdonald) Campbell & family.
[Central stone]

In memory/of/DONALD CAMPBELL/heritor, Dingwa...

Andrew & isabella (Couinlock) Macrae.
In/loving memory of/ANDREW MACDONALD/MACRAE/banker, Halkirk/who fell asle...

George & Grace Ross, d. Catherine.
In loving memory/of/GEORGE ROSS/who died Dec. 25 1842 aged 69/and/GRACE R...

Donald & Margrat (Catinach) McLennan & family.
Redeem the time/this stone is erected/by/DONALD McLENNAN/erretor, Dingwal...

William Munro.
To the/memory of/WILLIAM MUNRO/late drover Ding/wall who died on/the 9th ...

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