Ross & Cromarty Roots
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All pictures from 2014
David & Mary (Maclean) Ross, s. Colin.

In/loving memory/of/DAVID ROSS/who died/at Easter Bindal/Tarbat/on ...

Joseph & Jeanie (Douglas) Budge & family.

In memory of/JOSEPH BUDGE/for many years at Wemyss Castle, Fifeshir...

Colin & Mary (Young) Cameron & family.

Erected by/MURDO and JOHN CAMERON/to the memory of/their father COL...

Finlay & Bessie (Durie) Munro & family.

ANDREW MUNRO/died 12th Jan. 1903/aged 24 years/FINLAY MUNRO, of Roc...

Mary Ann Barton.

MARY ANN BARTON/died 11th July 1977.


John & Catherine (Ross) Oman.

In/loving memory of/JOHN OMAN/contractor/died at Lower Balaldie/on ...

Charles & Elizabeth, Catherine & David Ross.

[NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been painted out on...

Williamina (Skinner) & Duncan McInnes

In loving memory of/WILLIAMINA SKINNER/died Rockfield Farm 1914/age...

Jane (Campbell) & Donald Steven.

In loving memory/of/JANE ANN CAMPBELL/beloved wife of/DONALD STEVEN...

Alexander & Jessie Ross & family.

Erected by/ALEXANDER ROSS/Rockfield Village/in loving memory of his...

Christina & William Mitchell, Isabella & Jessie.

[NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been painted out on...

James & Christina (Ross) Mitchell, s. James.

In loving memory/of/JAMES MITCHELL/husband of/CHRISTINA ROSS/Rockfi...

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