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All pictures from 2014
Adam & Annabella (Brooks) Duff & family.
In loving memory of/ADAM DUFF/who died 7th Auguat 1913, aged 41 years/als...

Thomas & Christina (Munro) Beattie, d. Lily.

Erected by CHRISTINA MUNRO/in loving memory of/her dear husband/THO...

Donald & Joan (Maclean) Ross & family.

[NB. The post-1979 "recent" deaths have been painted out ...

John & Helen (Cameron) Mackenzie.
In loving memory of/JOHN ALEXANDER MACKENZIE/of Wester Seafield, and Caba...

Donald, Isabella, & Elizabeth Munro.
Erected in memory of/DONALD MUNRO, Easter Arboll/who died 22nd Sept. 1941...

Hugh & Jane (Worsley) Thomson.
In memoriam/HUGH THOMSON/Registrar/in the District of Tarbat/for 43 years...

Alexander & Elizabeth (Craigen) Noble.

David & Helen (Macgregor) Taylor, gs. Lindsay Ross

[NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been painted out on...

Alexina (Bain) & Alexander Macrae.
In loving memory of/my dear wife/ALEXINA URQUHART BAIN/previoslyInfant Mi...

Murdo Macleod. M. Macleod.

[N.B. The post-1979 "recent" death was painted out on the...

Donald & Mary (Mackay) Duff & family.

Sacred to the memory of/DONALD DUFF/beloved husband of MARY MACKAY/...

John & Jane Munro.

In loving memory/of/JOHN MUNRO/who died/17th September 1912/aged 83...

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