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Picture No:6185
Courtesy of:Roddie Macpherson
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Forbes Mackenzie & .s. Nicolson.

A tribute of affection/in memory of/FORBES MACKENZIE Esq./deputy lieutenant of the County of Ross/youngest son of/the Reverend COLIN MACKENZIE of Glack/minister of Fodderty/born 28th December 1789/died 25th January 1844.

This tribute of a mother's love in memory of/NICOLSON COLIN MACKENZIE MD./son of FORBES MACKENZIE Esq./who was drowned in attempting to rescue/his fellow passengers from the wreck of the/Fairy Queen off the coast of Nova scotia/11th October 1853 in the 28th year of his life.

His friends in Charlotte-town Prince Edward's/Island where as army surgeon he was stationed/for a time have ercted a tablet in St James/Church, there in remembrance of his worth.

[in enclosutre with 1686, 1687 & 1688].



Picture Added on 05 April 2009.

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