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Picture No:8966
Courtesy of:Roddie Macpherson
GraveyardLochcarron Old
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Iain MacChoinnich (John Mackenzie).

Le so tha mo chairdean/m-athair/mo mhathair/mo phuithair/agus/IAIN MacCHOINNICH/a chaogail air an 30/la do adair 1893/aig aois 31 do bliadnibh/air an cumail air/chuimhne le/MURCHA MACAOIDH/Airdanehiasgan.




Picture Added on 20 November 2009.


Rough translation
Here lie my relatives, my father, my mother, my sister and Iain (or John) MacKenzie who died on the 30th day of ? (cant figure this word out - could be DĂ mhair / October - but that's just a guess) at age 31 years, kept in the memory of Murcha MacKay + placename

I assume Murcha equates with Murchadh or Murdoch. It cant be the female equivalent of Murdina as the surname would be NicAoidh instead of MacAoidh

Added by Catriona MacPhail on 05 June 2024.

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