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Pictures in the Achanalt album.

Duncan & Ann (Matheson) Mackenzie, s. William.

In/loving memory/of/DUNCAN MACKENZIE/who died at/Craig Cottage, Garve/...

Jessie & John Finlayson, Rebecca & Kenneth.

In memory/of/REBECCA FINLAYSON/second daughter of the late/JOHN FINLAY...

Donald & Flora (Matheson) McIver.
Erected/to the memory of/DONALD McIVER/who died at Poolewe/on the 27th Ju...

Murdo & Jane (Macdonald) McIver & family.

In/loving memory/of/MURDO MACIVER/died at Auchnasheen/19th Sept. 1891/...

William & Catherine (Mackenzie) Matheson.
Erected/by/JOHN MATHESON, Australia/to the memory of his father/WILLIAM M...

John Matheson.
Erected/to the memory/of/JOHN MATHESON/who died at Tarvie, 17th April 187...

Elizabeth (McKenzie) Matheson.

Erected/by/KENNETH MATHESON in/ memory of his spouse/ELIZABETH McKENZI...

John Finlayson.
Erected/by/FINLAY FINLAYSON/in memory of his/father JOHN FINLAYSON/shephe...

Alexander & Rebecca (Finlayson) McRae.

In/memory of/ALEXr McRAE/late of Glenuig/Strathconon/died at Loch Ussi...

Duncan & Mary (Finlayson) McLean.
In memory of/DUNCAN McLEAN/who died 29th Decr 1865/aged 72 years/and his ...

Margaret (Mackay) & Murdo Macrae, d. Rebecca.
In memory of/our mother/MARGARET MACKAY/died 21st Mar. 1937/our father/MU...

John & Jessie (Finlayson) & John Grant, Rebecca.

Erected/in loving memory/of/JOHN GRANT/late of Garbat/who died at Sava...

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