Ross & Cromarty Roots
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Visitors to the site can create their own albums of pictures using the 'My Album' button at the bottom of the page. The following list shows visitors who have decided to make their albums available to everyone else.

[An apology from the programmer: due to a database glitch in mid Sept 2011, we lost all visitor album data. We've reinstated this from a 6 month old backup, but if your album does not seem to exist any more please register again.]

A I Mackenzie (1 pics)
Alastair James Kinghorn (2 pics)
My mother's family were Forsyths from Tain and previously from Fearn.
Alastair MacDonald (1 pics)
Margaret McDonald was my g.g.g.aunt
Alex Matheson (1 pics)
Alice Nicoll (12 pics)
Alison Arneson (1 pics)
Was just browsing this site, came across the gravestone pics and was amazed to see the headstone for...
Alison Gray (3 pics)
Thomas Donaldson was my great great grandfather
Alyson MacLean (1 pics)
My grandfather (b. 1885) was Murdoch Maclean son of William Maclean and Annie (McKenzie) Maclean of ...
Andrew MacGillivray (2 pics)
Hi , I,ve been trying for a while to find a suitable platform to air this headstone on. I discov...
Angus Bethune (11 pics)
Researching Bethune and Dingwall in Ross and Cromarty
Ann Harris (14 pics)
This album recognises the Mackenzie (McKenzie) family located in the Tain area, whom I believe I am ...
ann ross (1 pics)
Am very impressed for the efficiency of the whole. This is my first ,but not my last, visit to the S...
Anna Licciardi (1 pics)
My grandparents are on the gravestone featured. I'd love to hear from any relatives.
Anne Christie (6 pics)
Anne Maciver (22 pics)
Interested in Family History of Macgregors mainly in Kincardine and Rosses in Edderton
Anne Pike (1 pics)
I'm trying to create an album connected to my family tree. Any information would be welcome.
Anne30 (3 pics)
I am trying to trace my Scottish ancestors - they left several generations ago to start afresh in N...
Annie O'Donnell (1 pics)
Barbara Ross (1 pics)
Learning about my Scottish roots and Ross family. So proud to have such a strong Scottisj ancestry. ...
Bill Calder (3 pics)
MI associated with my Calder and Bruce family tree.
Blair S Ross (8 pics)
Brandy B (1 pics)
Brenda (5 pics)
Searching for relatives of John Riddell/Riddle and Janet Stavert- - (Urquharts - Gair - Munro - Ros...
Brian Menzies (4 pics)
Brian Smith (4 pics)
My name is Brian. I am researching my father's family. His grandmother was Henrietta Laing Smith (n...
Brian Stewart (1 pics)
Colin Stewart of Kempfield was my Gt Gt Grandfathers brother. Colin is my Gt Gt Uncle. This is the g...
Callum Mackay (3 pics)
Family Tree have all the authentic info to trace from 1771 to present day . Would be very interest...
Carol Bell (2 pics)
Carol McLennan Mohr (3 pics)
I've traced my McLennan roots to John McLennan born abt 1825 at Gairloch, who went on to become a sh...
cathy macleod (2 pics)
Christine Campbell (59 pics)
Tracking family from Killearnan area. I am a Descendant of Alexander Campbell (born abt 1765-died ...
Christine Dix (2 pics)
Having visited Scotland with my Father, I am tracing family members and trying to learn more about o...
Cindy Seibel (10 pics)
John Stewart and Christina Forsyth (grave in picture 419) were my great-great-grandparents. Their pa...
Claire whyman (3 pics)
Agnes Gibson is my Great Grandfathers (Charles Gibson) sister.
Clare Scott (3 pics)
My Grandmother had ancestors from the Rosemarkie, Fortrose, Avoch area. We visited in 2008 and found...
Colin D Campbell (1 pics)
D Cruickshank (4 pics)
Interested in the Ross family of Brea Findon, Ross and Cromarty.
Dan Smith (1 pics)
I've been researching my MacRae/McRae ancestry since 2009. I am descendant from Farquhar and Cather...
Daniel MacRae (8 pics)
David Cameron (2 pics)
My Great Grandmother was Christina Macrae (married to Ewen Cameron) a sister of John Macrae, solicit...
David McGregor (2 pics)
Tracing ancestors.
Debbie Grant (9 pics)
Looking for family members-Gillanders and Frasers
Denise Chadney (7 pics)
Derek Leathem (4 pics)
Descendents of William Forbes and Christina Lockhart of Knockbain Schoolhouse
DianaMacM (1 pics)
I have GRANT ancestors from Gairloch Parish. Hope to hear from other GRANT descendants. Email: diana...
Donald John Munro (5 pics)
Researching my family ancestry, my paternal Great Grandfather Alexander Munro, Master Saddler, Bridg...
Donald McLeod (1 pics)
Donald Rembaugh (1 pics)
McNaughtons of Perth
Donna (1 pics)
Doug McLennan (4 pics)
My email address
Dr.D.(Derick)F.GRANT (14 pics)
Edwin Meininger (3 pics)
Thanks to this web site we found my wife's 2 & 3x Great Grandfather's grave sites on a visit to Scot...
Eileen Grant (1 pics)
Ellen Kenchington (12 pics)
I may be related to the Skinner family of Avoch in the 18th century. My 5 great grandfather was Dona...
Fiona Pigott (1 pics)
I'm looking for information on Jeannie Mackenzie, daughter of Donald and Margaret Mackenzie, who wen...
Flora Macdonald (1 pics)
Never forget your incredible roots, the family and places you hold in your heart to the beginning, T...
Gaye Ruru (2 pics)
My interest is the Rev Daniel Forbes, Free Church Minister, Edderton until his death in 1900. He is...
Gaylene Mason-Hollier (101 pics)
MacLennan/MacDonald family at Carnoch, Strathconon
Geoff (2 pics)
My great grandfather, Colin McKenzie, born c1824 Lochbroom. Labourer at Braemore (1851 census). Marr...
George Brown (1 pics)
George Maclennan (45 pics)
Looking for info on Lochcarron Maclennan's
Glen Midgley (8 pics)
Looking for ancestors of Duncan McIntosh, shipwright (1810-1893) and for any information on the McIn...
Glenda Paul (4 pics)
I am looking for ancestors/relatives in the Rosemarkie area. My grandad, William Smith, grew up ther...
Graeme Bruce (6 pics)
Graeme MacLennan (4 pics)
I am trying to trace my great great grandfather John MacLennan/McLennan
Heather (2 pics)
McDonald ancestors related to Macdermids.
Hector Campbell (4 pics)
helena skinner (9 pics)
Trying to trace Skinner and McAngus family tree in Fearn and Balintore. This site seems to give name...
Ian Baird (1 pics)
My ancestors are the Mackenzie and Robertson families.
Ina Penneyston (2 pics)
Photo 7752 McKenzie and McCulloch The Son Colin McKenzie died as a result of an injury while workin...
irene fisher (14 pics)
this is my relations graves.
Irene Grant Christie (5 pics)
Jackie Mackenzie (1 pics)
Researching my mothers ROSS ancestors in Alness area
Jacqueline Mackenzie (2 pics)
Researching my Highland family tree since 2002.
Jakki MacDonald (1 pics)
I am researching my family tree and that of my husband, and this site has been invaluable. Although...
James Mackay (6 pics)
Jamie Ross (1 pics)
Jane Forrester (1 pics)
Janet Howe (1 pics)
I am in the early stages of a McNair/MacNair One Name Study as this is my paternal family name. Earl...
Janet Macloy (Ross) (17 pics)
Tracing my Donald Ross and Christina Fraser ancestors. I am so keen to find out as much as I can abo...
Jean Jones (1 pics)
How lovely to see a photo of my grandfather and grandfather's gravestone.
Jean Mackenzie (14 pics)
Mackenzie ancestors in Contin dating back to about 1700 (Hector Mackenzie, tenant of Arrieleitrach).
Jean Mackenzie (10 pics)
Tracing descendants of Hector Mackenzie, Tenant at Arrielettrach early 18th century jean.mackenzi...
Jennifer Downey (1 pics)
I understand past Relitives lived in from CromartyScotland in mid 1800's sir names were Spence/ Reid...
Jim Mackenzie (11 pics)
Jo Chislett (2 pics)
Researching my ancestors "ROSS" family of Dingwall
Jo Currie Anderson (17 pics)
Have ancestors in different parts of the Black Isle and from Daviot & Dunlichity, Inverness shire. S...
Joan MacKenzie (69 pics)
I found this stone in 1999; this is my 5xgrandfather. Through DNA and extensive research, we have f...
Jocelyn (1 pics)
Both my paternal grandparents were born in the Black Isle. John Mann at Knockmuir in 1969 and Janet...
Jocelyn Gould nee Mann (1 pics)
I'm descended from Mann, More, Stewart, Mustard and Peddison families in the Black Isle. Happy to m...
John Duncan MacLennan (3 pics)
Reside in Chicago, USA. Interested in Lochcarron area Maclennans pre-1820.
john mclennan (35 pics)
John Young (2 pics)
Hi All I have just started researching my fathers side of the family and at the moment all roads lea...
Jorge Reyes (12 pics)
This album is a collection of my wife´s ancestors gravestones pictures. Her great grandfather was D...
Kate (2 pics)
Gravestones of my Mackay ancestors and their families. If you're related and want to chat, my email...
Kathy (5 pics)
Kathy Hoyt (5 pics)
I am reasearching my husband's family on his mother's side. His great grandfather was Roderick MacR...
Katriona Fox Lloyd (2 pics)
I am collecting information about my mother's family, the MacLeods of Mellon Udrigle and the Campbel...
Kenny Wilson (2 pics)
I would be interested in getting in touch with extended family researching the Wilson / Milne / Macd...
Kris and Stephanie Mitchell (3 pics)
Kris and Stephanie Mitchell (3 pics)
John Holm & Joanna Fraser Families
L&NAFHG (17 pics)
MIs for people with Lochaber and North Argyll connections
Leanne Fisher (1 pics)
Looking forward to my visit to Scotland in June...
Leonie Litten (4 pics)
I am reseaching the Gillanders and Kennedy connection, especially as it relates to the family of the...
Lisa Bryson (1 pics)
Lisa McMurray (35 pics)
Mackenzie of Cromarty
Lisa Winslow (5 pics)
Lisa Winslow (1 pics)
I am searching for info. on my father's family. This album includes headstones for some of those mem...
Lorna Skinner (3 pics)
I am hoping to find info of my family, Skinner, Ross, Mitchell, Vass, MacAngus who lived in Shandwic...
Louise (2 pics) My g/ma, Mary Alice Denoon (b1885 d1960)Peterborough, ON. Her father Wm. Denoon...
Louise korbo (1 pics)
Mairi MacLeod nee Macrae (1 pics)
Malcolm MacRae (4 pics)
MacRaes and MacLeans of Doire na fuaran / Derry / Fasag
Margaret Langley (2 pics)
Containing headstones for: Finlay's Wemyss' Robertson's McLaughlan's
Margaret Young (2 pics)
Isabella Urquhart & John Urquhart are brother and sister born in Creich Sutherland - parents John Ur...
Margaret Young (2 pics)
I am researching the Urquhart's from Creich Sutherland
Margot Hogg (1 pics)
John Mackenzie was my paternal grandfather
Marjory Bolton (11 pics)
My grandmother's family came from the Black Isle. The eldest John Falconer on this stone was her gr...
Mark Paton (1 pics)
Mary Mead (6 pics)
My grandmother is buried here, also thought to be twins who died shortly after their birth a few day...
Maureen (1 pics)
I am a descendant of John Jack & Catherine Bain and also John Mackay & Barbara MacDonald.
Meryl Smith (9 pics)
Interests include Ross and Duff families around Edderton, Nigg and Tain and Maconald / Gordon family...
michelle wiseman (1 pics)
looking for more info on my grandfather's birth family - he was adopted at birth john vass kirkwood ...
Min Walker (2 pics)
Researching the Watsons of 70, Big Vennel, my grandmothers family.
mrs irene fisher (7 pics)
Netta Pascall (1 pics)
I am interested in tracing the possible location of a gravestone of a member of my family who lived ...
Pat Anderson (9 pics)
patricia winters (2 pics)
my great grandmother and family came from Portmahomack. Margaret McKay was G.GMother. Her father w...
Paul Steers (6 pics)
Researching my family tree
Peta (7 pics)
We are researching our Davidson family tree. In particular we are looking for a Donald Davidson born...
Peter (1 pics)
My mother, Lois McLennan of Jamaica, is descended from McLennans from this area. Up until my grandfa...
Rhona (10 pics)
Robert Wallis (1 pics)
I'm a 6th generation American descendant of Robert Munro Jr. 1796-1882 who died in Tain, Rosshire. ...
Roddie (1 pics)
Some of the stones are works of art.
roddy.matheson (1 pics)
Roderick Urquhart (1 pics)
Ron Buchanan (3 pics)
Researching BETHUNE of Lochbroom and Dingwall, FINLAYSON, FRASER of Lochbroom, Alness and Fearn, MAC...
Rona (5 pics)
Ronald Dingwall (6 pics)
I would like any information on my Grandfather Donald Dingwall and his children, brothers, sisters, ...
Ronnie MacKenzie (15 pics)
Ross Andrews (2 pics)
Grateful for any leads to ancestors of Thomas McLennan, farmer of Achterneed in the Foddderty/Dingwa...
Ruth Frame (2 pics)
Trying to find family doing my family tree , a lot , lot harder than I thought but have sadly found ...
Ruth Urquhart (4 pics)
My family
Sandy Hennessey (3 pics)
Mother was born Jessie Fraser in Lochcarron in 1913;Mother Kate Fraser buried in Lochcarron in 1978....
Seonagh-Lexy (Joan-A) MacLennan (1 pics)
A few photos of Fearnmore, the home of my Dad and his forebears.
Shannon Ross (1 pics)
My Ross...and Mustard roots are from Ross and Cromarty. I'd love to visit this area someday! Family ...
Sheila Davis (4 pics)
Researching my Macleod ancestors from Coigach.
Sheila S Smart (6 pics)
I have started to research my family history and am especially interested in my Black Isle MacKay an...
Stewart Henderson Holder (2 pics)
Susan (4 pics)
Interested in the Finlayson family of Applecross
Susan Macdonald Klose (2 pics)
Terry (11 pics)
Researching the names Ross, McAndie, Ingram, MacLeod mainly from the Alness, Logie Easter, Nigg and ...
Tricia MORE BARNETT (8 pics)
Various names from Caithness and Ross back to 1680
Valerie (7 pics)
I am trying to piece together my Holm family. There are two graves in the Old Gaelic Cemetery, and ...
Vanessa Baerveldt (1 pics)
Mary Murray (1827-1909), daughter of Peter Murray and Mary McDonald
Vicki (4 pics)
Searching for my Grandfather's Family
Vickie (3 pics)
Researching Family History. Cameron's and McLennan's of Ullapool.
Victoria MacDonald (3 pics)
Tracking MacDonald / Laing / Maben from Lochalsh and area - happy to hear from anyone with connectio...
Vivian Moir nee Smith (2 pics)
Researching my Grandparents David and Milly Ross, Invergordon and other close relatives
Wayne Davis (1 pics)
This is my GT,GT,GT,GT,GT,GT,GT, grand father.
Wendy Bonham (1 pics)
William Jack (2 pics)
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