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Pictures in the Gairloch New album.

John Macleod.

In/memory of/JOHN MACLEOD/stone mason/Braes, Inverasdale/died 18th Mar...

John & Christina (Cameron) Macleod.

In/loving memory/of our parents/JOHN MACLEOD/died 30 Dec. 1942/CHRISTI...

John & Hannah Macleod, d. Sybil.

In loving memory of/my beloved husband/and our dear father/JOHN MACLEO...

Alexander & Margaret (Macdonald) Urquhart, d Isa'a

In/loving memory/of/ALEXANDER URQUHART/died at 23 Midtown, Inverasdale...

Alexander & Mary (Mackenzie) Urquhart, s. Duncan.

In/loving memory of/my dear husband/ALEXANDER URQUHART/died 14th June ...

Mary & Donald Mackenzie.

In/loving memory of/a devoted wife and mother/MARY MACKENZIE/died 27th...

David Matheson.

NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been 'painted ou...

Kenneth Forbes.

NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been 'painted ou...

Joan (Gunn) & Kenneth Mackenzie.

In/loving memory/of/JOAN GUNN/who died at Raigmore Hospital/2nd Novemb...

Archibald Beaton.

In respectful remembrance of/the late/REv. ARCHIBALD BEATON/of the Fre...

Robert & Christina (Macpherson) Polson.

NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been 'painted ou...

Herbert Bradbury.

In loving memory/of/HERBERT BRADBURY/who died 17th Nov. 1963/beloved h...

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