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All Pictures by Tina Glen-Riddell.

Annie (Fraser) & Duncan MacLellan

In loving memory/of/our dearly love mother/ANNIE FRASER/who passed awa...

Alastair Kennedy Macaskill

In/loving memory of/my loving husband/and our father/ALASTAIR KENNEDY/...

Alexander Matheson.

NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been 'painted ou...

Duncan Macrae.

NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been 'painted ou...

Alexander Macdonald.

In loving mmeory/of/ALEXANDER MACDONALD/accidentally killed at Inve...

Alice (Bridges) & Alexander Paterson.

In loving mmeory of/my dear wife/ALICE BRIDGES/who died at Aultchruin/...

Elizabeth (MacRae) & Christopher Macdonald.

in/loving memory/of my parents/ELIZABETH MACRAE/died 22 April 1966/...

Thomas McGrady.

NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been 'painted ou...

James Mactavish.

NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been 'painted ou...

Isabella (Matheson) McRae. John & Margt. McRae.

In/memory/of/ISABELLA MATHESON/wife of/JOHN McRAE/Bourlach, Morar/who ...

John McRae.

In loving memory/of/JOHN McRAE/beloved husband of/WILLIAMINA MACDONALD...

John & Margaret (Gillies) McRae & family.

In loving memory of/our dear father/JOHN McRAE/who died at Inverinate/...

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