Ross & Cromarty Roots
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All pictures from 2007
James & Anne (Mackenzie) Gibson, & children
In memory of/The Rev JAMES GIBSON DD/Minister of the Parish of Avoch/who ...

Alfred & Janie (Vereker) Fletcher.
Sacred/to/the memory of/ALFRED NEVETT FLETCHER/DL., JP. Ross-shire/eldest...

James Fletcher
Sacred/to the memory of/JAMES FLETCHER/of Rosehaugh in the County of Ross...

Shiona Mackenzie
In loving memory of/SHIONA MAGARET ANGUS/younger daughter of/Rev. and Mrs...

Hugh & Betsy (McLeman) Patience, & d. Maggie.
In/sweet memory/of/MAGGIE PATIENCE/who died 2nd July 1906/aged 23 years/A...

William Patience
In/loving memory of/WILLIAM PATIENCE/27-12-1877 7-6-1962. ...

James & Mary Ann (MacKenzie) Nairne + daughters.
In loving memory of/our dear father and mother/JAMES NAIRNE/died 2nd June...

Simon & Christina (Mackenzie) Jack.
In/loving memory of/SIMON JACK/mason accidentally killed in Glasgow/2nd D...

Donald & Margaret (Ross) Jack.
In/memory of/my beloved husband/DONALD JACK/fisherman (Castle Stewart) di...

Jessie Ann Cameron.
In loving memory of/JESSIE ANN CAMERON/beloved daughter of/HECTOR CAMERON...

Hughina (Cameron) Anderson & Margaret Cameron.
Erected to the memory/of/HUGHINA CAMERON/beloved wife of/DAVID ANDERSON/w...

Donald & Jane (Mackintosh) McLeman & family.
In proud and loving memory /of/BENJAMIN McLEMAN/Sergt. Coldstream Guards/...

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