Ross & Cromarty Roots
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All pictures from 2010
Christina (McCulloch) & James Anderson, d Jane.
In loving memory of/our dear sister/JANE ANDERSON/who died 9th May 1880 a...

John & Ann (Munro) Gallie, d. Martha.
Erected/by/DONALD GALLIE/in memory of his father/JOHN GALLIE/who died 185...

John & Margaret (Dingwall) Fraser & family.
In/loving memory/of/JOHN FRASER/Arabella Cottage/died 19th Nov. 1873 aged...

Margaret (Tolmie) & Robert Adams.
In memory/of/MARGARET TOLMIE/beloved wife of/ROBERT ANGUS/who died at Red...

Christina Ross Laverton.
In/loving memory of/our dear mother/CHRISTINA ROSS/beloved wife of/JAMES ...

George & Christina (MacCulloch) Ross & family.
Erected/in/loving memory/of TEENIE/beloved daughter of GEORGE/and CHRISTI...

Thomas & Eliza (Innes) Ross.
In loving memory of/THOMAS ROSS/ex. police constable/who died/at Balintor...

James Gallie.
Sacred/to the memory of/Mr JAMES GALLIE/late farmer at Ankerville/who die...

Alexander Christie. Christy Stewart.


Kate & Marion Ross.
ROSS/Jesus called our/darlings/KATE McDOUGALL (Katty)/died 3rd Sept. 1921...

Donald & Janet (Munro) Ross.
Erected/by/JOHN ROSS/in memory of his father/DONALD ROSS/who died 19th Ma...

John & Kate (McDougall) Ross & family.
Erected/by/JOHN and KATE ROSS/in memory of/their beloved children/ANNE/bo...

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