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All pictures from 2010
Andrew & Jane (McKenzie) Kennedy.

In/memory/of my husband/ANDREW KENNEDY/died 5 March 1905/at Invergordo...

Jessie, Alexander Gillies.

To/the memory of/JESSIE ANN/daughter of/ALEXANDER GILLIES/saw miller/w...

George & Mary (MacLaren) Munro & family.

to the memory/of/GEORGE MUNRO/joiner Invergordon/for 42 years an elder...

Alexander & Frank (Munro) Reid.

In memory of/ALEXr REID/who died at Tullich/24 Febry 1875 aged/80 year...

John Reid.

In/loving memory of/JOHN REID/plasterer, Contullich/latterly farmer, C...

John & Christina (Mackenzie) Dean,Duncan, gs. John

In memory of/JOHN DEAN/for upwards of forty eight years/manager with t...

John & Isabella (Mackintosh) Ross, John & James.

Erected/to the memory/of JOHN ROSS for many/years elder of the Free Ch...

Alexander & Isabella Matheson & family.

Erected/in/affectionate remembrance/of/ALEXANDER MATHESON/farmer, Tull...

John, Elizabeth & Isabella Munro.

Erected/by/JOHN MUNRO miller/Milton in memory/of his son JOHN aged 3 m...

John & Georgina (Graham) Munro, d. Margaret.

In/loving memory of/our parents/JOHN MUNRO/joiner/who died at Milntown...

Jessie (Brander) & Alexander Masson.

Erected by/ALEX. MASSON/shipmaster/Balintraid (late of Burghead)/in me...

Matilda (Tait) Robertson. Betsy Robertson.

Erected/by/PETER ROBERTSON/gamekeeper/in loving remembrance of/his wif...

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