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All pictures from 2011
Duncan & Mary Mackay.
In memory/of/DUNCAN MACKAY/who died at Fearn 10th June/1872 aged 82 years...

[...?]/in loving [...?]/McKENZIE [..?]/1768 aged 34 years/WILLIAM BETHUNE...

James & Margaret (Ross) Munro, Alexander.
In loving and affectionate remembrance/of/JAMES MUNRO/who died at Glastul...

Donald Fraser.
In affectionate remembrance/of/the Reverend DONALD FRASER A. M./for eleve...

Sophia (Gillanders) Fraser, s. James.
In loving memory/of/JAMES A. FRASER/factor's assistant/who died at Rosema...

John & Jane (Skinner) Mackay & family.
Erected/by/Captain JOHN MACKAY/a native of Hilton/in memory of his revere...

David & Kate McKay.
In memory/of/DAVID McKAY/died 27th January 1887/aged 70 years/also his be...

Malcolm & Catherine McLeod, Lexy & Jessie.
In/memory of/MALCOLM McLEOD/who died 12 April 1892 aged 72/and his wife/C...

Lavina (Ross) McKenzie & children.
In memory of/LAVINA ROSS/beloved wife of/MURDO McKENZIE/Balintore/died 7t...

Barbara (Sutherland) Ross, s. John.
Erected/by/A. ROSS/in memory of his wife/BARBARA SUTHERLAND/who died 3rd ...

Ann (Stewart) Ross & children.
Erected/by/ANDREW ROSS/black-smith Nigg in memory/of/ANN STEWART/his belo...

John & Margaret Mackenzie & family.
In memory of/JOHN MACKENZIE/mason who died 13th Feb. 1850 and his wife/MA...

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