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All pictures from 2011
Margaret (Mackenzie) Murchison.
Erected/by/JOHN MURCHISON/builder, Dingwall/in memory/of his mother/MARGA...

Allan Stewart. Flora Stewart.
[..?]/the memory of/ALLAN STEWART/late house carpenter/Slumbay Loch/carro...

Margaret (McKenzie) McLennan.
[..?]/MARGARET McKENZIE/wife of ALEXANDER Mc/LENNAN Coulin who de/parted ...

Thomas & Christina (Matheson) McDonald & family.
1847/Erected/to/the memory of/THOMAS McDONALD/who died at Coulags/5 Janua...

William McIntosh.
[..?] memory of/WILLIAM McINTOSH student of/divinity who departed/this li...

Donald MacNair.
Erected/by/JOHN McNAIR/to the memory of his fath/er DONALD MacNAIR/who de...

Alexander & Margaret (Vass) Mackenzie, s. George.

In memory of/our dear parents/ALEXANDER MACKENZIE/1889-1943/MARGARET V...

John & Ann (Munro) Menzies.

In/loving memory of/my dear husband/JOHN McDONALD MENZIE/who died at C...

David & Georgina (Gair) Wallace.

In/loving memory of/DAVID WALLACE/Tullich, Fearn/who died 11th January...

Janet ( Skinner) & Sutherland Munro

In loving memory of/JANET MUNRO/died on/18th November 1942/dear wife o...

Alexander & Helen (Wilson) Macangus.

In loving memory/of/ALEXANDER MACANGUS/postmaster/who died at/Postoffi...

Hannah (Ross) Fisher & sister Dolina.

In memory of/HANNAH ROSS/wife of WILLIAM FISHER/died 6th Sept. 1934...

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