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Pictures in the Kiltearn album.

Helen (Moir) & Alexander Macdonald, s. William.

In loving memory/of/HELEN MOIR/beloved wife of ALEXANDER MACDONALD/who...

Andrew & Georgina (Mackay) Dunnet, s. John.

In loving memory/of/ANDREW DUNNET/who died at Newton-of-Novar, Evanton...

Rebecca (Campbell) MacDonald.

In loving memory of/REBECCA CAMPBELL/passed away at Hilton, Muir of Or...

D.H Dey.

Flight Lieutenant/D. H. DEY/Pilot/Royal Air Force/6th October 1941 age...

R. L. Killen.

402661 Sergeant/R. L. KILLEN/Royal Australian Air Force/23rd August 19...

J. A. Davis.

R. 82184 Sergeant/J. A. DAVIS/Pilot/Royal Canadian Air Force/15th Febr...

J. M. Gonsalves.

1881083 Aircraftman 2nd Cl./J. M. GONSALVES/(of British Guiana)/Royal ...

A. Scigala.

Kpl./A. SCIGALA/8 A.G.S./10th July 1944/age 26/Polish Forces.


A. Przybyla.

St. Szer./A. PRZYBYLA/24 Baon. Piech/11th September 1945 age 29/Polish...

H. Murkiewicz.

Szer./H. MURKIEWICZ/26 Baon. Pozn/30th October 1945/Polish Forces.


L. Bernat.

Cpl/L. BERNAT/5th December 1946 age 27/Polish Resettlement Corps.


J. Pazak.

PLT./J. PAZAK/25 Baon. Piech/27th October 1946 age 29/Polish Forces.

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