Ross & Cromarty Roots
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Pictures in the Urray West. album.

Donald Lowe Macdonald.

NB. The post-1979 death has been 'painted out' on the image...

Malcolm & Mary (Macdonald) Morrison.

NB. The post-1979 death has been 'painted out' on the image...

William Scott.
In/loving memory/of/WILLIAM SCOTT/died 24 Feb. 1947/aged 60 years/beloved...

David & Mary (Fraser) Sinclair & family.

NB. The post-1979 death has been 'painted out' on the image...

Charles & Mary (Nixson) McKeith.
In/loving memory of/CHARLES McKEITH/died 12 Dec. 1946 aged 73 years/belov...

Roderick Donald Fraser.
In loving memory/of/my dear husband/RODERICK DONALD/FRASER/died 2nd May 1...

Donald James Mackay.

NB. The post-1979 death has been 'painted out' on the image...

Neil & Isabella (Munro) Mackay.
In loving memory/of/NEIL MACKAY/died 28 July 1946/aged 74/and his wife/IS...

William & Annie (Wilson) Paterson. Isabella Pat'n.

NB. The post-1979 death has been 'painted out' on the image...

Iain & Donald Macdonald.

NB. The post-1979 death has been 'painted out' on the image...

Isabella, Mary & James Mackintosh.
Erected/by/JAMES MACKINTOSH/South Balavullich/in memory of/his beloved wi...

Mary (Tuach) & Harry West.
In/loving memory/of/MARY TUACH/died 10 Jan. 1955/aged 87 years/beloved wi...

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