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Picture No:10039
Courtesy of:Roddie Macpherson
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Donald & Mary (Macrae) Mackay.Duncan & Cath. M'kay

In memory/of/DONALD MACKAY/who died at Cuillisse/November 1855/aged 45 years/and his daughter/CATHERINE/who died 24th Sept. 1896/aged 52 years.

"Blessed are the dead/which die in the Lord."

also/his spouse/MARY MACRAE/who died on the/7th November 1899/aged 80 years/DUNCAN MACKAY/died 15th February 1914/also his spouse/CATHERINE MACKAY/died 3rd September 1938.

"Until the day break and/the shadows flee away."




Picture Added on 25 March 2010.

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