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Picture No:10956
Courtesy of:Roddie Macpherson
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Fortrose Cathedral.

It is belived that an early cathedral for the diocese of Ross was built at Fortrose during the 13th century.  The current structure dates from the 14th/15th centuries and comprise the south aisle and chapel, together with a now separate chapter house/sacistry.

There are a number of stones to the south and west of the main ruin, and insprictions within its walls.

Picture Added on 03 June 2010.


I am led to believe that a relative Roderick Mcrae, Mason, born c1852 is buried there. Can anyone help. Is there a gravestone?
Added by Eric Simpson on 01 January 2012.
Eric have a look at Image No. 10966 (put no. into Search Box for quickest route), which has a Roderick Mcrae of about the right date.
Added by Roddie on 02 January 2012.
I believe I have 2 Grandparents buried in Fortrose Cathedral.
Mary McKenzie McRae 1825-1900 and husband Roderick McRae 1825-1900.
Thanks you

Added by Jean Redfern on 20 January 2018.

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