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Picture No:15091
Courtesy of:Roddie Macpherson
GraveyardFearn Abbey
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David & Helen (Ross) McCulloch & family.

In loving memory/of/DAVID McCULLOCH/farmer, Balkeith who died 11th April 1885/aged 60 years/of his children/ANGUS, who died 3rd December 1875/aged 4 years/JOHN, who died 29th June 1877/aged 3 years/also of his beloved wife/HELEN ROSS/who died at Balkeith 23rd April 1907 aged 73 years/also their daughter/CATHERINE who died/at 4 Hill Street, Tain 1st November 1931/aged 64 years/and their son DONALD/who died at Hill Street, Tain/1st January 1946, aged 77 years/also/HUGHINA/their youngest daughter/who died on 12th August 1959/aged 84 years.

Picture Added on 17 July 2011.

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