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Picture No:816
Courtesy of:Roddie Macpherson
GraveyardKilmuir Churchyard
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Alexander+Margaret Steven, & Margaret Steven.

In memory /of/ALEXANDER STEVEN/farmer. Nidmills, Inverness/who died 16 April 1871/aged 77 years/and his wife/MARGARET MORRISON/who died 23 February 1857/aged 52 years/also of MARGARET McINTOSH/wife of NORMAN STEVEN/who died 26 May 1867 aged 53 years.


TitleSurnameMaiden NameFirst NameDate of DeathAgeOccupation
+StevenAlexander16 April 187177Farmer, Midmills, Inverness
h. of Margaret Morrison
+StevenMorrisonMargaret23 Feb 185752
w. of Alexander Steven
+StevenMcIntoshMargaret30 May 186753
w. of Norman Steven

Picture Added on 31 January 2008.

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