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Pictures in the Logie Easter album.

John & Johan (Fraser) Munro, Margaret,Dolly, Lena.

In loving memory/of/JOHAN FRASER/died 24th January 1963/aged 63 years/...

Helen (Walker) & Ian Mackay

In loving memory of/HELEN WALKER/born in Honolulu, U.S.A/on 27th Febru...

Alexander Hugh Morrison McLeod

NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been 'painted ou...

Edith A. Wilson

In/loving memory of/EDITH A. WILSON/born 29th August 1885/died 27th Ja...

Andrew & Margaret (Mitchell) McCorquodale

In/loving memory of/ANDREW CAMPBELL McCORQUODALE/who died at Kildary H...

Elizabeth Mackay

ELIZABETH MACKAY/born/December 31st 1870/died October 19th 1954/a fait...

Isabella (Stewart) & Alexander Morrison

In fragrant memory of/ISABELLA STEWART/who died at/the Manse of Logie ...

Duncan Duffus.

In/loving memory of/DUNCAN DUFFUS/born 21 Sept. 1890/died 15th Jan. 19...

William & Mary (Paterson) Fraser

In loving memory of/WILLIAM MACGREGOR FRASER/of Barnfield Cottage, Ivy...

Beatrice (Scott) & George Young

In memory of/BEATRICE LOUISE SCOTT/beloved wife of GEORGE JOHN YOUNG o...

Charles W. Mundell

In loving memory/of/CHARLES W. MUNDELL/of Delny/died 30th January 1939...

Edward & Jane (Paterson) Hindley

NB. The post-1979 "recent" death has been 'painted ou...

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