Ross & Cromarty Roots
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All pictures from 2010
John Wright.
This stone is/erected here by/THOMAS WRIGHT/tacksman in Culna/ha in memor...

In loving memory/of/ESTHER/1882.

by Roddie Macpherson

John, Helen & David Skinner.
Erected by/I.o.G.T./Juvenile/Lodge/in memory of/Bro. John Skinner/Balinto...

Christina Skinner, ss, John & David.
In/ever loving memory/of/CHRISTINA ANN SKINNER/who died 7th Decr 1932/als...

John Ross. Barbara (Fraser) Ross.
In memory of/JOHN FRASER ROSS/Pitcalnie/died 9th June 1930/younger son of...

Walter & Barbara (Rose) Ross.
In memory/of/WALTER ROSS of Nigg/who died 12th Dec. 1830/in the 71st year...

William & Bell (Fraser) Gair & family.

Sacred/to/the memory/of/WILLIAM GAIR/who died at Bonarvillage 2nd Jany...

John Macdonald.

In memory of/JOHN MACDONALD/died 10th April 1920/aged 46.


? Children of John McKenzie Ross.

Erected/by/JOHN McKENZIE ROSS/Reiskmore Delny/in loving memory of/ALEX...

Janet & Andrew Macleod, John & Jane.

Erected/by/ANDREW MACLEOD/Ferry/in memory of his beloved wife/JANET MA...

John Donald McDonald.

In memory/of/JOHN DONALD McDONALD/who died 2nd Feby 1914/aged 62 years...

John Munro, ss. Wm. & John, st-d Annie Stewart.

Sacred/to the memory of the Rev. JOHN B. MUNRO/pastor of the/U. P. con...

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