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All pictures from 2011
Alexander & Jane Messer & family.
Erected/to the memory/of/ [..?] WILSON MESSER/died on the [?]/day of May/...

Margaret & Neil Macneil.
In memory of/MARGARET MACNEIL/died 6th March 1875/aged 70 years/NEIL MACN...

John & Mary (Fraser) Mackenzie & family.
In loving memory/of/JOHN MACKENZIE/died at 27 Burn Place/Dingwall/9 oct. ...

Mary (Urquhart) & Donald McNeil & family.
Erected/by/DONALD McNEIL/to the memory of his wife/MARY URQUHART/who died...

John & Helen (Davidson) Bethune & family.
In memory/of/JOHN BETHUNE/farmer, Balnahaun, Inverness/who died 9th Augus...

Barbara (Dingwall) Macpherson.
Sacred/to the memory/of/BARBARA DINGWALL/spouse of/JOHN MACPHERSON/late S...

Colin, Hannah, & Mina McKenzie.
In/loving memory of/COLIN McKENZIE/shoemaker, Dingwall/who died 25th Octo...

James & Hannah (Dunbar) McKenzie & family.
In/loving memory of/JAMES McKENZIE/cabinetmaker, Dingwall/who died 10th D...

George & Catherine (McGrigor) McLean.
In/memory/of/GEORGE McLEAN shoemaker/born 1782/died 1853/also his wife/CA...

Colin & Isabella (Kemp) McLennan.
To the memory/of/COLIN McLENNAN/who died 19th Decr. 1819/aged 82 years/an...

Donald Maclennan.
This tribute/of sisterly affectionate/is designed to commemorate/the virt...

Hector & Jane (Mackenzie) Bethune, Hector & Janet.
Beneath this pillar/slumber/in the blessed hope of/a glorious resurrectio...

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