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Pictures in the Killearnan Churchyard album.

Alexander & Margaret Mackay, their sons, Christina
In memory/of/ALEXANDER MACKAY/died at Drynie Park/6 Jan. 1862 aged 85/and...

John & Ann (McKay) Grant & son Murdo.
Erected/by/JOHN GRANT/farmer Balgunerrie/in memory of his wife/ANN McKAY/...

Robert & Catherine (Urquhart) Trotter & family.

In memory of/ROBERT TROTTER Esq./Farmer Garguston, Killearnan/who was ...

William & Jessie (Mundell) Trotter.
This stone/placed here by his widow/in sorrowing yet grateful remembrance...

William Mcintosh.
In memory of/WILLIAM McINTOSH/carpenter contractor/Muir of Ord/who died 5...

Angus & Ann (Mackenzie) Urquhart & family.
In memory of/ANGUS URQUHART/late farmer and innkeeper, Milton Redcastle/w...

Gregor Grant.
In memory/of/GREGOR GRANT/formerly of Inverness/who died in New Orleans i...

Hugh & Olivia (Watson) Fraser & family.
In ever loving memory/of/OLIVE/daughter of/HUGH FRASER Redcastle Gardens/...

Isabella Paterson.
Erected/by/DONALD PATER[SON?]/and his wife/MARGARET JUN[NER]/in memory of...

Mary Grant Stewart
In memory/of/MARY GRANT STEWART/died at Tarradale Mains/8 May 1906 aged 8...

James & Ann (Tulloch) Currie.
In memory/of/JAMES CURRIE/who died 18 Jan. 1868/also his wife/ANN TULLOCH...

Lewis Mackenzie.
Erected/by/his surviving widow/to/the memory of/LEWIS MACKENZIE/an elder/...

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